Unrequited Love…At Three Years-Old?!

My two little boys are obsessed with girls.

Cooper is marrying Gracie and George is in love with Juliet.  

What the heck is going on here???  They’re 3 and 4!!!!

Just as an aside, Lulu is 8 and has yet to utter a sweet word about a boy.  I hear about how rude and yucky and annoying they are, but the desire to marry any of them?  Ah, no, nothing along that front, thank goodness!  Not ready for that one!

My dad laughs and often says he didn’t know what PLANET he was on until he was 8.  Yet somehow, these guys are goo-goo eyed…and sometimes that leads to D-R-A-M-A!

Just this morning, George and I were chatting as I changed his diaper (because I can’t get my act together enough to commit to potty-training…argh!  Please don’t judge me!).  I asked him which little girl in his class is his favorite.

The name that emerged was “Doo-eee-ett.”


If I didn’t know he had a girl in his class named “Juliet”, I’d be scratching my head.  But I do, so I didn’t.  =)

Now here’s the thing.

Another little cutie in the class has him in her sights.  Unrequited love at the tender age of 3!?

And forget that we don’t know if Juliet is even aware that my little Don Juan is alive! 

I’m SO not ready to deal with this!  

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