5 Stars For MJ Fields!!!!

So, I was on the treadmill this morning reading 27 Truths by the fabulous MJ Fields and I’m FLOVING IT. Then, I get to about 85%, and it rips me apart. I really didn’t see it coming. I was literally a hot steamy mess…sobbing, sweating, panting…thankfully I was alone in the gym. Girlfriend, you really hit it out of the park. Ava’s story was so poignant, so beautiful, so heart wrenching. It touched me on so many levels and I think you are one hell of a talent.
Thanks for the catharsis. I needed a good cry. <3
Once upon a time, Luke Lane loved a little, stubborn, delusional girl, and that little girl was me. My fairytale happy ever after always included my black-haired, blue-eyed, knight in shining armor, and that knight was Luke Lane. Then I grew up and convinced myself that it wasn’t a fairytale after all. It was Fate.

I twisted Fate to make her story come to life, but Fate fought back, and now I am looking at a man I still love, but he doesn’t feel the same. I have to walk away. Not just for me, but for him. And not for the version of him who broke my heart, but for the version who was truly a knight in shining armor to the little girl I was, so many fairy tales ago.

<3 <3 <3

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