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Haters ALWAYS Gonna Hate

Want to know one of my biggest pet peeves?

The chronic complainer who LOVES to point out problems but NEVER volunteers a solution.

Those people irritate the hell out of me.

Guess what? If you want to be successful in business, DON’T be one of those people.

I’m fired up, can’t you tell with all the caps?  LOL!

Now, I can certainly appreciate the fact that people may get deterred by a lot of red tape and invisible barriers to change within their corporate structures. That aggravates me almost as much because you may have a fabulous idea that will never get any air time and why not? Because of ridiculous rules and perceptions that hinder more than help.

But my feeling is not to succumb to that defeatist mentality. If people aren’t listening to your ideas and you’re very passionate about them, you may be in the wrong job or company. Consider a move where your input will be respected and valued. It’s amazing how empowered you’ll feel in an organization that welcomes progressive thinking.

In my experience, there are lots of reasons why an idea may not be embraced.

  • People are territorial and don’t like scope of their work challenged in any way
  • Exorbitant development and/or implementation costs overshadow the perceived benefit
  • People are resistant to cultural change and don’t want their apple carts upset in any way
  • People don’t want to expend additional efforts outside their normal scope of work
  • People are not incented to find new ways of working (sadly, their paycheck isn’t enough of a driving force)

And the last reason…the idea just may not be very good. Sorry. It had to be said. =)

But none of those reasons are good enough for you to stop considering new and better ways of doing business. Let the ideas flow! Don’t get discouraged by the naysayers. Haters ALWAYS gonna hate.

Courtesy of www.bustedtees.com
Courtesy of http://www.bustedtees.com

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