Still Waiting For The Fun Part To Begin

I had high hopes for today. Anticipated precipitation morphed into a 75-degree morning. Got my workout done early so I could gather my bearings before the kiddies appeared on the scene. All packed up for a day at the shore, well before Lulu and I had to leave for tumbling. All of the makings for a promising day. Until everything came skidding to a literal halt.

With five minutes to spare, Lulu and I were driving to the gym, belting out “Let It Go” by Adele Nazeem (LOL) at the tops of our lungs. I was caffeinated and looking forward to the one hour of peace and quiet I get during the week. But the universe had other plans.

Just as an aside, I love it when I’M the one in control of the universe. It’s way more fun that way. But we’re not talking about one of my books here.

The sound of the explosion nearly made me drive off the road. Who the hell shot at my freaking car? Oh wait…that wasn’t a gunshot. It was my damn tire.

So before I got to the fun part of the day, I sat on the phone with GEICO for half an hour, waited for an hour in a CVS parking lot for my tow, missed tumbling, and paid for a new tire.

Still waiting for the fun part to begin. But I’m hopeful…I’ve got some friends who can cushion the blow. No pun intended.


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